Stabilizing a Family Foundation after Tragedy

Tompkins Conservation experienced the permanent, unexpected loss of one of the Principals, sending the organization into crisis. With many projects throughout the world in flight, how might Blu Skye provide near term stability while also building long-term institutional capabilities?
Align leaders around a five-year plan to complete current projects and strengthen footing for future conservation pursuits, including the creation of multi-million-acre parks in two countries.
Our Role
Inventoried and analyzed existing projects, assets, shell companies, stakeholders, and management structure in three countries.
Engaged with leadership teams in Argentina, Chile, and the U.S. to develop a bold five-year parks creation plan.
Achieved unanimous approval of the plan by the Foundation Board of Directors.
Donated three million acres of Foundation land to governments of Chile and Argentina in exchange for the more than 14 million acres of fiscal land all becoming National Park lands with the strongest possible legal protections.
Prompt realization of the five-year plan in just three years, including the creation of five national parks and expansion of three others.
A successfully restructured institution capable of executing multiple projects and public-private partnerships to re-wild the Americas.