Retaining Talent at the World's Largest Retailer

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Retaining Talent at the World's Largest Retailer


When it came to sustainability, a CEO mistakenly believed cost outweighed benefit. How might Blu Skye build the business case for sustainability as a source of competitive advantage? 


Inspire a commitment to sustainability now and sustained engagement in the future.

Our Role


Realized a need for an unparalleled consulting experience — one that would transcend facts and figures and change hearts and minds.


Took the CEO on a days-long retreat, which included a hike to the top of Mount Washington, an overnight with 12 climate scientists, and an afternoon with a maple sugar farmer who demonstrated the effect of climate change on forests. Compelled, the CEO wanted his entire executive arm to share in the experience.


Designed, conducted, and debriefed more than 50 retreats for Walmart’s global leadership teams on every continent except Antarctica. 


A unique consulting experience that attracted and retained talent; inspired leaders to integrate sustainability into corporate strategy and culture; led to innovation across multiple industries.

Let’s see what we can do together.

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